"Hallelujah! The LORD IS COME!!!!" I need a reminder every single day at how amazing GOD is!!! Every morning I wake up at an unreasonable hour to spend time with God in His loving arms. I definitely did not use to be like this. I started this habit this past year in Nashville. I realized that I need DAILY strength from God. And so daily I would get up with my fresh cup of coffee, before I went in to Starbucks, and read God's letter to me and bask in His love. Some mornings I fall asleep, well... most mornings..., but not for the whole time. But that's ok, because my Lord loves every moment I want to be with him, even if that means I fall asleep in His arms. I absolutely LOVE this time that I have with my Father, my Saviour, and my Comforter!! I cry, I rejoice, I sing, and I am silent as I listen to the song of the birds and as I look out onto what he's created, or rather creating the man who created the skyline I am looking at right now! It's this simple skyline that gives me joy every morning and every night with it's gorgeous sunsets.
“I will lift my eyes to the Maker of the mountains I can't climb
I will lift my eyes to the Calmer of the oceans raging wild
I will lift my eyes to the Healer of the hurt I hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to You”
Bebo Norman
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