Monday, June 29, 2009

Joy To the World

I'm one of those who LOVES Christmas songs. And I would say that Joy to the World is not my favorite. But Bebo Norman's version of Joy to the World is Ah-mazing! I didn't like it at first, but my roommate last year in Ireland was absolutely in love with the song! So I heard it a lot and eventually grew to love it. I just love how joyful it is!! Makes me want to dance every time. haha... what does this have to do with anything!

"Hallelujah! The LORD IS COME!!!!" I need a reminder every single day at how amazing GOD is!!! Every morning I wake up at an unreasonable hour to spend time with God in His loving arms. I definitely did not use to be like this. I started this habit this past year in Nashville. I realized that I need DAILY strength from God. And so daily I would get up with my fresh cup of coffee, before I went in to Starbucks, and read God's letter to me and bask in His love. Some mornings I fall asleep, well... most mornings..., but not for the whole time. But that's ok, because my Lord loves every moment I want to be with him, even if that means I fall asleep in His arms. I absolutely LOVE this time that I have with my Father, my Saviour, and my Comforter!! I cry, I rejoice, I sing, and I am silent as I listen to the song of the birds and as I look out onto what he's created, or rather creating the man who created the skyline I am looking at right now! It's this simple skyline that gives me joy every morning and every night with it's gorgeous sunsets.The beauty of God's creation is that I never get tired of it. NEVER!! I think I have a million pictures of this one tree in my favorite park in Dublin. I have a million pictures of this skyline in probably the dirtiest part of Dublin. But I never get tired of it. I never get tired of hearing the thunder roll!!! Oh Thunder!!! I absolutely love thunder! I'm pretty sure it's one of my favorite sounds! I really feel a sense of God when I hear it, and there are so many imageries in the Bible that describes God's voice as a roll of thunder! I love hearing the waves crash against the shore and the smell of salt water! Basically, I never tire of what God has created for me to take pleasure in every day!

“I will lift my eyes to the Maker of the mountains I can't climb
I will lift my eyes to the Calmer of the oceans raging wild
I will lift my eyes to the Healer of the hurt I hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to You”

Bebo Norman

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