I've only spent one week with my roommates and already we have done SO much! I'm so blessed to have such amazing roommates! We've had an interesting time together, to say the least!!!
We've swam the Irish sea and got slightly burned in the process in the nice shape of my v-neck shirt! Went to the Maritime festival twice, saw some tall ships, heard Irish music on one of those boats, loads of delicious food, and people everywhere!! We watched The Dark Knight in People's Park in Dun Laoghaire. We took the wrong bus going to the aiport to pick Paige up so we had to take a taxi to the airport and then we took a taxi back to the flat. It was then that I realized I had lost my iphone. Sad times, but it's not a big loss, just frustrating knowing there is someone out there who got a free iphone or has sold it for drugs.
On Sunday we walked to the youth club at Adelaide Rd, which is about a 45 minute walk from Abbey Church. The nicest part of this walk is going through St. Stephen's Green. We spotted some boys feeding a FLOCK of pigeons. Paige wanted to take a picture of this, so Alex decides she is going to pretend she's Ghandi sitting in the middle of the pigeons. Almost as soon as she sits down the pigeons at one time start FLYING at us like we are prey!!! Pigeons and feathers everywhere. I was SO frightened for my life! I never scream and this was one of those times that I let out a shrill of terror! I wish we had video-tapped it. I was living Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds!

Today, we decided to hike up Bray head to the cross and then walk to Greystones! While we were on the Dart Alex fell asleep and, I think from sleep deprivation, Paige and I thought this was the funniest thing that ever happened! WE walked by the rough waters of Bray Beach and up through Narnian woods where we thought Mr. Tumnus would come and rescue us, but alas... Mr. Tumnus was nowhere to be found. Finally we made it to Bray Cross! It was beautiful, but the wind was something fierce. My hair was flyin' every which way, let's just say I haven't tried to brush through it yet! We then walked through Leprechaun Valley where we happened upon a family of WILD horses. Then we decided to hike our way down to the Bray to Greystones trail. So we fought our way through Ireland's untamed beauty of tall grass and thorns. Thank you, Lord, that St. Patrick drove out the snakes. After hiking for several hours we sat at the Happy Pear, in which we were very happy with our cups of tea and coffee and delicious pastries and admiring the view (cough).
On our way back home we passed the red carpet premiere of The Hangover. So naturally we stayed and took celebrity pictures! Although I can't really remember any of there names, but it was fun nonetheless! And we topped it off with pizza and a movie (Lars and the Real Girl). Oh Happy Monday!!!
Pictures and videos to come
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