Friday, June 12, 2009

I need wife

"Lord, please send someone who will pursue me because you know I don't take hints well. I want someone who will think I'm beautiful." My prayer was definitely answered, but as we all know God has a funny way of going about things. Not quite sure what He's thinking up there, but I'm pretty sure He's getting a laugh out of all this!

Proposal #1
First there was the African pastor from one of the churches that meets in Number 5, David. He talks and talks and talks.... and so usually I try to avoid him. (is that bad?) Anyway, it was my second Sunday after a year long rest from this dude. In order to get to my flat, that's all the way on the 5th floor, I have to enter a security code. This code has mood swings, sometimes it will unlock on the first try, but there are days when its stubborn and won't unlock till after 20 tries.

The church meets right beside the security code and if I manage to punch in the keys real fast and get it unlocked I can successfully avoid David. The security lock was in a very bad mood this particular day and I was unfortunately spotted by David as soon as I was opening the door. I decided that I would be nice and formal and just let him talk. I'm to meet the Boals in a few minutes so David leaves the building with me to go meet them. On the way to meet them David is talking about his church and how no Irish go to it. He says its because they don't like Africans, in which I replied I like Africans (because I do). He says "Oh really. You dating anyone." Me: "Um No??" David, "Then we should get married. I need good spiritual wife and you need husband. We should get married." WHOAH!! Now David is the type of guy who I can never tell if he is joking or is serious...but he didn't seem like he was joking... so I don't know. I just calmy told him no I'm good with my situation! haha..

Proposal #2
Now this is AWESOME! I'm at the Lighthouse (read post below) and in probably the only hallway about to go downstairs to help a lady find some clothes. I can't remember what happened, but somehow I ended up alone in the hallway. This guy, Alex, comes up to me and says, "Ti takAya krasIvaya." WHAT?!?! I just looked at him, smile, nod and said, "uh huh!" He says it again. I make a gesture like "I have no idea what you're saying dude!"
He says, "no english, russian?"
Me:"Sorry no!"
Alex: "deutsch?"
Ti takAya krasIvaya"
His friend had come along by then and said, "He say he think you beautiful."
Me, "Oh thank you." So I thought that was the end of it because obviously we had a slight problem of not being able to understand each other. I mean, I have trouble understanding my own friends, let alone trying to understand a guy who is speaking Russian!!

Oh no! NOT the end. No indeed. I come upstairs and he points for me to sit down. Why I decided to sit down beside him is beyond me! Sometimes I do stupid things. Anyway, the whole time he is trying to speak to me in Russian! Still have no idea what your saying buddy. It's funny because every culture does it. We think that if we speak slower or louder that people will finally be able to understand us. Finally he looks at me and says, "I need wife." Where in the world he learned that phrase I have NO idea. Perhaps he asked a buddy. I don't think I replied, I was kind of shocked and I think i just shrugged my shoulders, because I guess I didn't think he would understand me saying that it wasn't going to happen.

Anyway, he asks when he can see me again and I tell him that I am only here on Thursday nights. He comes back again last night. This time I decide that I'm staying behind the counter. He comes in with a TRANSLATOR!! I mean, that was sweet for him to have a translator so that we could talk, but.... Anyway, my roommate, whose name is also Alex talks to man Alex. Apparently man Alex told her that "he gave his heart to me and that he fell in love." I'm not gonna lie and say that that is not one of sweetest things I've heard.

(Side note: Dad if you are reading this, I'm fine! I would never hang out with him alone. Paige and girl Alex are with me and I have to wear gloves at the Lighthouse.)

So finally I go out and talk to him, with Paige by my side.
He gave me a book The Secret and tells me that it is a gift and I am never to give the book away because when someone gives you a gift it is important and rude to give away. I'll read it, for the sake of reading it, but it's more like a spiritual book in the sense of finding inner peace and going on a journey. Apparently its better in Russian and I'm to read it online in Russian if I can. Ok?!?

He said that he has read the Bible several times, but I'm not sure what he believes because he told girl Alex that he was a Mormon and had friends in Salt Lake City.

I told him he could come to Abbey if he wanted to see me again. I don't get creeped out by him like some of the other guys that I have met. (reiterate Dad I will not talk to him alone) Perhaps God will open the door to share my faith. Who knows, perhaps he will become a pastor and learn English and we'll be jolly happy people. haha... but I think it's a friendship that I can't ignore.

He definitely is pursuing me... too bad it's not going to work. But dang, American/Irish men you need to step up your game!!! When you like a girl just go for it. There are SO MANY AMAZING women out there. SO MANY!!! I give props to every guy that goes out on a limb and tries. Even if it doesn't work, good JOB!

Well, chappy chaps.... That's the story, I'm sure there will be more!


  1. hhahah - that's pretty exciting! :) - i just found your blog. miss you! Hope you're doing great!

  2. I love this post! You are having such exciting adventures in Dublin. I have prayed a similar prayer recently, so we'll see what God brings my way! Hugs--Allison

  3. love this!! you are right... there is something really admirable about guys who are direct and put themselves out there like that! what a fun day :)

  4. Teehee, your title made me think Mr. Kohli on Bride and Prejudice. No life without wvife. : )
